5 Reasons Why Do Dogs Eat Grass

Why do dogs eat grass? Is it because they are hungry? Are they bored? Maybe they are unwell and are self-medicating. Let’s find out.

Have you ever noticed your dog eating grass?

If so, then it’s only natural that you may be wondering, Why do dogs eat grass?

Is s/he sick?

Does s/he feel hungry?

Does my dog get enough nutrients?

There may be a few scientific reasons why your dog nibbles on grass from time to time.

What is the reason your dog eats grass?

In this article, we look at some of the most common reasons.

Image depicting Why Dogs Eat Grass
Why do dogs eat grass?

First Reason: Your Dog May Have an Upset Stomach

Eating a lot of grass will cause your dog to vomit.

Veterinarians who have studied this behavior have concluded that it is a natural way for dogs to self-medicate when they feel unwell.

But here’s the catch!

For grass to induce your dog to vomit, it sometimes has to eat quite a lot of it – up to half a stomach full of grass before the dog vomits it all back up.

Therefore, unless your dog is eating a LOT of grass, it’s unlikely s/he is eating it because they feel sick.

According to the VCA, pet hospitals…

Only 10% of dogs have signs of illness before eating grass. The bottom line is that most grass-eating dogs don’t get sick before eating grass and don’t vomit afterwards.

Reason #2: Eating Grass Fulfills A Digestive Need

Long before domestication, dogs hunted for food.

Dogs would eat almost every part of their prey after they killed it. The stomach was also eaten by dogs, as it was usually stuffed with grass and other herbs that herbivores eat.

As the roughage was a source of fiber, the stomach was an important part of the animal’s diet. Fiber is essential for maintaining a healthy dog’s digestive system.

Your dog may be eating grass out of instinct to maintain his digestive health. A little bit of roughage can be a healthy addition to any dog’s food, provided that your dog doesn’t eat grass to the point where he becomes sick.

Reason #3 – Grass Provides Vitamins to Your Puppy

All dog foods are not created equal. It’s possible that your dog is just trying to get some extra nutrients from his food.

Talk to your vet if your dog seems to be addicted to grass-eating. To ensure your dog is getting the right nutrients, ask your vet about his diet.

Your vet may recommend vitamin supplements to make sure your dog gets the nutrition he needs.

Reason #4: Grass is Good for Your Dog

Some dogs will eat grass because they’re bored, love the taste, or are anxious about it.

Your dog may be happy and calm outdoors. It could also mean he is bored or simply enjoys the grass.

Dogs can explore the world in four main ways: sound, sight, smell, taste, and smell.

I don’t think it matters if your dog eats some grass.

Reason #5: Eating grass has become a nervous habit for your dog

Dogs that are anxious or nervous outside can adopt goofy behaviors, such as eating grass quickly.

While we don’t know why dogs do this, it could be a soothing behavior.

Your dog may be anxious or anxious about eating grass.

Your only option is to teach your dog to relax and calm down while you’re outside. If your dog is struggling to relax, you can check out my experience with over 37,000 dogs.

Should You Allow Your Dog to Eat Grass?

Let’s answer the age-old question.

Should you allow your dog to eat grass?

Overall, yes. As long as your dog doesn’t become obsessed with eating grass, it is a good idea. You can always add a little bit of roughage to your dog’s diet.

If grass-eating is an obsession, I recommend the Puppy Training program to end the behavior as soon as possible.

You should also be aware of where your dog eats grass. Your dog could be exposed to pesticides or lawns that have been sprayed.

It’s always best for your dog to speak to its vet about grass-eating habits. Your vet might be able to help you understand your dog’s grass-eating habits and give you useful information that will keep your dog happy and healthy.

That my friends answers the question, why do dogs eat grass.

Related Articles:

What Makes A Dog Food Good According To Veterinarians
What Foods Are Toxic To Dogs
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Endnote: Does a dog eating grass mean anything?

This article was inspired by emails I received from Karl who asked “My dog eats grass and vomits every morning, should I be worried,” Debra who asked, “why is my dog eating grass all of a sudden” and Warren who asked, “Does a dog eating grass mean anything?”

What was interesting about these questions is that in all the years I have owned dogs, each and every one of them has eaten grass at some point and I never thought about it. It seemed as natural to me as dogs eating poop – theirs or other dogs.

Update June 02, 2022

I discovered this article today and thought it was worthy of sharing with you because it covers this topic very well.

Why Dogs Eat Grass by Malcolm Weir, DVM, MSc, MPH; Lynn Buzhardt, DVM

Warwick Jones

You'd be right in thinking that I am passionate about dogs. I am. So much so that my wife thinks that I love dogs more than I love her - which is not true, by the way. I love my wife, and I love my dogs, in that order. So this website is about sharing a little of what I know in the hope that I can help others become better dog owners - a well-trained dog owner equals a well trained, happy, and healthy dog :-)

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