What Foods Are Toxic To Dogs

As a pet owner, knowing what foods are toxic to dogs is essential to ensure your dog’s safety. Dogs really do have a knack for getting into things they shouldn’t – a Saint Bernard puppy I knew that ate bags of desiccated coconut, packaging and all come to mind!

Eating something they shouldn’t can lead to more than just a sore tummy for your dog. Severe reactions, seizures, neurological damage, and even death can occur if your dog ingests food that is poisonous to dogs.

The best way to keep your dog safe is to make sure they have no access to any of these toxic foods.

Image depicting what foods are toxic to dogs

Toxins and Food That Is Poisonous To Dogs

What Foods Are Toxic To Dogs?

Those big, pleading eyes can be charming, but you should NEVER feed your dog food that is poisonous to dogs.

Cooked Bones

A dog with a bone, it’s a cliche, but a cooked bone can be incredibly dangerous for your dog. Cooked bones can splinter and cause lacerations to your dog’s mouth and gastrointestinal tract or even cause blockages. In some cases, dogs require expensive and invasive surgery to remove splintered bones.

Chocolate and Coffee

As delicious as they are for humans (and arguably a staple in my diet) chocolate and coffee should never be ingested by your dog. Caffeine from coffee and theobromine present in chocolate can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and seizures. In severe cases, these toxins can even affect the heart and respiration.


Your dog may be your best mate, but that doesn’t mean you should share a beer with them. Alcohol can be incredibly dangerous for dogs, even in small amounts and can lead to permanent organ damage or even coma.

Onion and Garlic

These common household ingredients can cause the release of sulfoxides and disulfides in your dog’s body. Excessive ingestion and resulting build up over time can lead to anemia developing.

Grapes and Raisins

This one is a mystery, however, for reasons unknown grapes and raisins are toxic for dogs and can cause kidney and liver damage.

Citrus Oil

This can cause vomiting leading to dehydration for your dog.

Raw Eggs

Although cooked eggs can be a great source of protein for your dog, they should never be given raw. Raw eggs can not only put your dog at risk of contracting Salmonella but also can lead to reduced biotin absorption.


This alcohol sweetener is often used as an alternative to sugar for people. Ingestion of xylitol can cause low blood sugar, seizures, liver damage or failure and in some cases even death.

What Household Items Are Toxic To Dogs?

Knowing what foods are toxic to dogs is crucial to keeping your dog safe. But there is more to be aware of that just foods!

It is also important to “dog proof” and make sure none of these common household toxins are accessible by your dog.


Before adding a household plant make sure to research their safety! There are many plants that while perfectly safe for humans, are incredibly dangerous to dogs. Lillies, azalea and cyclamen are all examples of beautiful, yet potentially fatal plants. Any of these can cause vomiting, seizures or death.


This is one of the most common causes of poisoning in household pets. To remove any risk of your pet being exposed to this, make sure there is none accessible to your dog at any time.

Slug Bait

I know firsthand the terrifying moments after a dog has eaten slug bait. My puppy ate slug bait at a family member’s house and was quickly subject to neurological symptoms, seizures, and vomiting. Make sure your dog is unable to access any at your home, and always ask if slug bait has been placed recently when visiting other properties with your dog.

Animal and Human Medications

Medication should ALWAYS be kept out of reach of both children and animals. Consumption of or overdose of medication can cause seizures, weakness, and severe organ damage.

One of the most common overdoses in pets is caused by Rimadyl. This medication is commonly used to reduce inflammation, but when eaten in large amounts can cause permanent liver damage or failure, or even death.

Rat Poisoning

Another common cause of poisoning in dogs, rat poisoning can cause tremors, vomiting and diarrhoea. When large amounts are consumed this can be fatal.

Food For Thought

It is essential that you and your household are all aware of what foods are toxic to dogs.

If you suspect your dog may have had access to any of these foods or toxins you should contact your veterinarian immediately. In many cases, there is no antidote, but rather supportive treatment such as fluid therapy or induced vomiting.

Therefore, the best management is always prevention

Although the above foods are known to be toxic to dogs and should be avoided, there are many foods that should only be fed in controlled amounts. An example of this is liver. Although this is often considered a superfood and can add amazing nutrients to your dog’s diet, excessive amounts can cause Vitamin A toxicity.

Keep in mind, that moderation is key to your pet’s nutrition. Although feeding your dog safe table scraps may be tempting, extra calories can add up quickly. Obesity can cause major health issues, and discomfort and even shorten your pet’s life drastically. Stick to an optimum commercial food or when cooking homemade foods for your dog make sure this is carefully balanced with plenty of variation.

Remember, dogs can sniff out the smallest morsel, and rip through the toughest packaging. So, now you know what foods are toxic to dogs ensure your dog has absolutely no access to these.

Related Articles:

How Much Chocolate Is Toxic To Dogs
If Your Dog Has Eaten Chocolate | Symptoms, and Treatment Options
Is Chocolate Poisonous to Dogs | Signs Your Dog Has Eaten Chocolate

You may also want to use an online Chocolate Toxicity Calculator for Dogs.

Warwick Jones

You'd be right in thinking that I am passionate about dogs. I am. So much so that my wife thinks that I love dogs more than I love her - which is not true, by the way. I love my wife, and I love my dogs, in that order. So this website is about sharing a little of what I know in the hope that I can help others become better dog owners - a well-trained dog owner equals a well trained, happy, and healthy dog :-)

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