The Ultimate Guide to Teaching Your Dog the Stay Command: Expert Tips and Step-by-Step Instructions

Teaching your dog the stay command is a valuable skill that enhances obedience and safety in various situations. Whether at home, in the park, or crossing the street, a reliable “stay” command ensures your dog remains in place until released.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll provide detailed instructions and expert tips to help you effectively teach your dog the stay command using positive reinforcement techniques.

An image depicting a dog owner teaching a dog the stay command.

Setting the Stage for Success

Before embarking on training sessions, creating a conducive environment and gathering the necessary supplies is essential.

  1. Choose the Right Time: Select a time when your dog is calm and attentive, avoiding periods of high excitement or distraction.
  2. Quiet Space: Find a quiet area in your home or yard where you and your dog can focus without interruptions.
  3. Treats and Rewards: Gather high-value treats or toys that motivate your dog during training sessions.
  4. Leash (Optional): While not mandatory, using a leash during initial training can help maintain control and prevent your dog from wandering off.

Teaching the “Stay” Command

The stay command teaches your dog to remain in a specific position until released. Here’s a step-by-step guide to teaching this essential skill:

  1. Start with “Sit”: Begin by asking your dog to sit, as this provides a stable starting position.
  2. Hand Signal: Extend your palm towards your dog, signaling them to stay.
  3. Verbal Cue: Say “stay” in a calm, firm tone to reinforce the command.
  4. Reward: Immediately reward your dog with treats and praise for staying in position.
  5. Duration: Start with short durations (e.g., 1-2 seconds) and gradually increase the time as your dog becomes more comfortable.
  6. Release Command: Introduce a release command (e.g., “okay” or “free”) to signal the end of the stay and allow your dog to move.

Adding Distance and Distractions

Once your dog understands the basics of the stay command, you can begin to add distance and distractions to increase the level of difficulty:

  1. Increase Distance: Gradually step away from your dog while maintaining eye contact and reinforcing the command.
  2. Introduce Distractions: Start training in environments with mild distractions, such as indoors with family members present.
  3. Progress Gradually: As your dog improves, gradually introduce more challenging distractions, such as outdoor noises or other animals.

The Stay Command Troubleshooting Tips

Even with careful training, dogs may struggle with the stay command. Here are some troubleshooting tips to address common challenges:

  1. Shorten Duration: If your dog breaks the stay, shorten the duration and gradually increase it as they become more reliable.
  2. Use a Release Word: Ensure you consistently use the same release word to avoid confusion.
  3. Reward Correct Behavior: Reward your dog immediately for staying in position, reinforcing the desired behavior.
  4. Stay Calm: Remain calm and patient during training sessions, as frustration can impede progress.

Practice and Consistency

Consistent practice is essential for reinforcing the stay command and ensuring your dog retains the skill over time:

  1. Regular Practice: Incorporate short training sessions into your daily routine to regularly reinforce the “stay” command.
  2. Consistent Commands: Use consistent verbal cues and hand signals to reinforce the command and avoid confusion.
  3. Positive Reinforcement: Continuously reward your dog for successful stays, reinforcing the behavior through positive reinforcement.


Teaching your dog the stay command is a rewarding journey that strengthens your bond with your furry companion. Following the step-by-step instructions and expert tips outlined in this guide, you can effectively train your dog to stay reliable in various situations, promoting obedience and safety. Remember, patience, consistency, and plenty of positive reinforcement are key to teaching your dog this essential command.

Discover one of the top-rated positive reinforcement training courses for novice and seasoned dog owners – The Online Dog Trainer. Explore it now by clicking on the banner below – and it’s completely free!

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Warwick Jones

You'd be right in thinking that I am passionate about dogs. I am. So much so that my wife thinks that I love dogs more than I love her - which is not true, by the way. I love my wife, and I love my dogs, in that order. So this website is about sharing a little of what I know in the hope that I can help others become better dog owners - a well-trained dog owner equals a well trained, happy, and healthy dog :-)

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