How Long Should You Walk Your Dog Every Day?

I will answer a question from one of my Facebook followers; how long should I walk my dog, and does he need to walk every day?

And that is a good question is. How long should you walk your dog every day?

One of the best ways of exercising your dog is to walk your dog every day.

There are many ways that you can exercise your dog, and I believe walking your dog exercises your dog mentally and physically as well.

Update 09 January 2024: Use this convenient online How many miles should I walk my dog calculator, to help guide you on how much exercise your dog should be getting.
Note, that I am not associated with The Dog People in any way. I have included the information and link above because I think you (and your dog) could benefit from it.

Image depicting the benefits of walking your dog every day
Do you walk your dog every day?

Benefits of Walking Your Dog Daily

There are other benefits of walking your dog too if you walk your dog every day. One is that it helps you build a stronger relationship with your dog, and that’s one of the keys to improving our relationship with our dogs and improving their behavior.

As long as you have a dog that walks properly and is not pulling on a leash, and is not reactive to other dogs or the situations in the outside environment, you can walk your dog a minimum of 30 minutes a day, twice a day.

If you have a well-behaved dog that is off-leash trained and you can off-leash your dog, I also suggest walking your dog 20% on a leash, 60% off-leash, and then 20% back on the leash.

For some extra fun and activities, you can add 20 more minutes to your dog’s walk here and there.

So I’ll give you a rough formula that you can figure out how long to walk your dog.

Puppies up to eight months or a year old should be walking four times a day and each time fifteen minutes to 20 minutes maximum. Not less than fifteen minutes, not more than 20 minutes.

Dogs older than one year, old up to seven years old, can walk 30 minutes twice a day and up to 45 minutes twice. A day minimum of 30 minutes twice a day and a maximum of 45 minutes twice a day.

Dogs older than seven years old can walk a minimum of twenty minutes twice a day, a maximum of 30 minutes twice a day.

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Are Exercise and Walking The Same Thing

The amount of exercise a dog needs is very much dependent on their breed, age, and also their activity level. 

If a dog is quite old, it obviously won’t do the same amount of exercise as maybe a puppy would do or a young adult.

So I’m actually to split this answer into three different parts. 

  • breed
  • age
  • and activity level

What Breed is Your Dog

So firstly, we’re going to be looking at the breed of your dog.

If your dog is a working dog or a sporting breed such as Pointers, Collies, and Shepherds, they will have a higher exercise requirement. 

As well as the breed of your dog, it’s important to know that some dogs may love exercise, and some dogs might hate it. 

For example, some dogs might hate going out for walks.

rabbitgoo Dog Harness, No-Pull Pet Harness with 2 Leash Clips (120k+ sold on Amazon)

How Old is Your Dog

The next one that we were looking at is age. Younger dogs will be able to do so many more different things and do it for a prolonged amount of time.

The older the dog, the less exercise they may be able to do, which is important to consider.

If you have an old dog, don’t expect it to keep up with younger dogs because it just isn’t fair or isn’t possible for that dog.

But it’s also important to know that as the dog gets older, they may also have health problems that mean you will not be able to walk your dog every day.  

The same goes for younger dogs; if they have any health problems, don’t expect that much from them or as much as they may be able to do when they are fit and healthy.

So if they do have health problems like arthritis etc., maybe don’t take them on as long of a walk. But if your dog loves to walk and has arthritis, then let them go out for as long as they want.

How Active is Your Dog

The next one we’ll be looking at is exercise tolerance or activity levels your dog can take. 

Most dogs can handle about twenty to thirty minutes worth of exercise at a time.

However, some dogs can go on for two-plus hours. 

But take into account what they might be able to do and what they cannot do. 

If you are not sure, take them for an extra-long walk and see how they react. Most dogs will tell you when they have had enough – look for signs that they are tired.

But if your dog is exhausted when they get home, then you know that you may have gone too far. Or though, it might also be because your dog is unfit, it was too hot and not enough water.

It also depends on whether or not you see it as a good thing; if you want your dog to be tired out so that they sleep better, it might be good to take them on long walks.

It also depends on you as an owner and what you can provide for your dog. For example, if you are busy working 9 to 5 every single day, it might be a good idea not to get a dog that needs as much exercise as a collie.

Because it won’t be fair on the dog if they love going for walks, so take that into account.

Walking a dog should be fun for you and the dog. And it is not fair on the dog if you find yourself too busy with life and work to take your dog for a daily walk.

I don’t know about you, but I always find walking my dogs a great stress reliever – it helps that they are all well trained to walk on a leach. And I can trust them when they are free-roaming close by.

My dogs are doing me a favor by needing a walk every day!

Walk your dog every day and enjoy a healthier and happier life.

Related Articles and Dog Walking Tips

How to Manage a Dog That Pulls on the Leash
How to Teach a Dog to Heel – With or Without a Leash
How to Stop a Dog Pulling on the Leash
Train Your Dog to Walk on a Loose Leash: Stop, Drop and Turn Method
Leash Training A Dog in Less Than 4 Minutes

UPDATE March 30, 2022
I have received a number of questions from, mostly new, dog owners about this article. So I thought I’d share them with you and the answers here.

Is it bad to walk your dog every day?

As a general rule, I’d say that it is good to walk your dog every day, for the reasons mentioned above. With some obvious exceptions. Namely, if the dog is not well or recovering from an injury or illness, then it’s probably not a good idea to walk every day.

Another exception would be the weather. Dogs should not be walked in the middle of the day in summer when the road and pavement surface temperatures can be at extreme levels – 140 degrees or more.

Test to see if the pavement is too hot by placing YOUR hand, palm down, on the pavement and holding it there for ten seconds. If you can’t hold your palm there for ten seconds then it’s too hot to walk your dog.

What happens if you don’t walk your dog every day?

As mentioned above, sometimes it is not possible to walk your dog every day, and that is okay. Other reasons might include YOUR lifestyle, health, or work commitments. In which case you should consider asking a friend or hiring a dog walker to walk your dog on the days you can not.

Whatever the reason you are unable to walk your dog, try to replace it with some other activity. For example, a game of fetch – what dog doesn’t like that one?

What happens if I don’t walk my dog for one day?

Shit happens, you know. No matter how well we plan ahead, there will be some days that your dog doesn’t get to go walkies. Missing one day every now and again won’t hurt your dog. But, your dog should be able to get exercise in some other way.

How often should you walk your dog a day?

I was surprised by how many people asked me this question. Can you guess my answer?

Yeap, you guessed it. My answer almost always begins with, It Depends!

Because it does. It depends on things like age, health, and type of dog. It also depends on how long each walk is. As a general rule, I’d say most dogs need between half an hour to two hours of exercise every day.

Wait, What, you say. That is the total amount of exercise, INCLUDING walking. So, a 15-30 minute walk twice a day, or a one hour walk once a day, as long as they then have the ability to exercise themselves in the yard. Rather than being confined to a room, office, or crate.

Is walking my dog once a day enough?

I think I have covered this above, and it all depends on your dog’s needs and ability. If you are unsure, talk with your vet, or preferably with a breeder of your type of dog. They will know how often your dog will need walking at all stages of their life.

I only walk my dog once a week

To be honest and quite frank, why do you have a dog if you can only walk them once a week?

Okay, I know for some of you that will be unfair, because your circumstances may have changed since you get your dog. But as a general rule, all fit and healthy dogs need regular exercise. Much like dog owners, else they become obese and unhealthy.

If you can’t walk your dog more than once a week, then be sure that then can get plenty of regular exercise in the yard and/or hire a dog walker. Hiring a dog walker has another advantage, in that your dog gets to socialize, which is a good thing.

I don’t walk my dog at all am I a bad Dog owner

I left this question to last because I hope that I have explained previously the benefits of walking your dog. However, it all depends on your circumstances and the type of dog.

Because, if your dog gets regular exercise in some other way, then this might be enough for your dog. If you love and care for your dog in every other way, and they are fit, healthy, and happy then NO you are not a bad dog owner.

NOTE: I have also turned comments off, as I am no longer able to keep up with the volume (including spam). If you have any questions, please use Facebook comments or Messenger. Thank you.

Warwick Jones

You'd be right in thinking that I am passionate about dogs. I am. So much so that my wife thinks that I love dogs more than I love her - which is not true, by the way. I love my wife, and I love my dogs, in that order. So this website is about sharing a little of what I know in the hope that I can help others become better dog owners - a well-trained dog owner equals a well trained, happy, and healthy dog :-)

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