Importance of Dog Training

If you are a dog lover and want to bring a dog into your life, you must be aware of the importance of dog training. If you get a dog and don’t train it properly, you’ll never be able to get the best out of your dog.

Why is dog training necessary?

Why is a trained dog superior to an untrained one? These are essential questions that we shall address in this article. I will attempt to provide all the information that you need to know about dog training’s importance.

Owning a dog provides you with a lot of joy. But some aspects of this joy might be missing if you don’t train and socialize your dog properly. Socializing means the introduction of your dog to your friends, family members, and other pet animals.

The importance of socialization training a dog is often underestimated by new dog owners. However, it can be a life saver – literally!

Basic obedience for dogs is an essential element of socializing them. If not adequately trained, your dog will struggle to blend with your friends, family, and other canines. In some instances, this might be challenging or unpleasant, and in severe circumstances, it might have disastrous repercussions.

Being a responsible dog owner, it is your obligation to train your dog properly. Ideally, it would be best to enroll your puppy in obedience training when he’s still a puppy. During this stage of your dog’s life, they will be much more open to exercise and have better learning potential.

Moreover, it has been found that preventing a bad habit in the first place is easier than correcting it. So, start training your dogs when they’re young and easy to train.

Before we share some useful information about training your dog, let’s take a look at some major benefits of training your dog.

An image depicting the Importance of Dog Training for large dogs

Six Major Benefits of Having a Well Trained Dog

1. Dog training helps you keep your dog safe.

Your dog’s safety is one of the most serious concerns, and as its guardian, you are responsible for it. Making sure your pet obeys your directions can save it from getting into potentially dangerous situations.

For example, if your dog is trained to obey your commands, you can take better care of his health. Let me elaborate on this point. Veterinarians confirm that most of the disease transmissions in dogs take place when they are out for a walk and they interact with other dogs that may not be vaccinated.

So, if your dog follows your command, he will stay away from stray dogs, and that’d help to minimize the possibility of disease transmission. Furthermore, fatal fights with other dogs or wild animals, jumping into a busy road, and other such accidents can be avoided through proper training of your dog.

2. It is more secure for your house.

Training your dog ensures that your living spaces are treated with care. Instilling etiquettes in your pet means that it will understand the difference between what is permissible and undesirable in your house. A properly trained dog will treat the rest of your family and other pets with respect.

It will save you a lot of money on house repairs and reduce the risk that your dog would chew its way through a valuable piece of furniture that has been in your family for multiple generations. Moreover, the risk of licking toxic chemicals or ingesting poisonous plants by your dog is removed.

3. Training helps avoid behavioral problems

Training your dog helps you develop a language of communication that encourages security and comfort between you. The more time you spend educating your dog on how to live successfully in a human environment, the more likely you are to prevent negative behaviors caused by a lack of knowledge.

Unfortunately, many dogs are penalized for poor conduct that might have been prevented if their owners had trained them properly. Many dogs react well in the classroom to cues like sit and stay but cannot deal with life’s stresses in the actual world.

Be sure that every signal or behavior has a purpose. Proper training helps your dog avoid behavioral problems.

5. Training makes it easier for your veterinarian to interact with your dog.

Veterinarians cannot endanger themselves or their staff’s safety by trying to work on a dog who is behaving aggressively toward them. Pet owners who have not made an effort to train their dogs make it difficult for the vet and his staff to examine and treat their dogs.

If the dog is not trained properly, even a regular checkup can become a hassle, and the vet may be forced to sedate the dog before any examination. This not only increases your vet bill but also has a negative impact on your dog’s health.

In worst cases, if one doesn’t take his/her dog to the vet because the dog won’t behave properly, this is like inviting a disaster. Regular checkups and timely diagnosis of the problem can add years to the life of your dog. If problems progress unnoticed, it may be too late for any treatment to be effective. In worst cases, one may end up losing his/her dog to disease.

6. You can assist other dog owners.

Once you’ve learned how to train a dog, you’ll have that expertise for life. Not only will this assist you with all of your dogs, but after you’ve mastered teaching your own, you’ll be able to share your expertise with other dog owners. You may even pursue a profession as a dog trainer – and what could be more fun than working with dogs every day?

People who devote time to training their pets have more meaningful relationships with their canine friends. A good combination of teaching etiquette, promoting sociability, and giving appropriate outlets for your dog will ensure that your dog is trained properly.

People who neglect to provide their pets with the necessary education are doing them a disservice and will face challenges in the future.

Importance of Dog Training Conclusion

Now that we have talked about the importance of dog training let me share the next step. How to train a dog? Well, it’s not difficult at all.

There are some professional dog trainers out there who’d be happy to train your dog for some fee. But, we have a better and more suitable option for you. This will save you money and help you strengthen your bond with your dog.

Online Dog Training courses such as the Online Dog Trainer offer the freedom for you to learn how to not only train your dog from the comfort of your own home but also get to learn how to correct 34 of the most common dog issues. Things like:

  • Anxiety separation – in my experience, this is the primary reason dogs chew on furniture, shoes, and anything else left lying around.
  • Aggressive behavior – which is actually quite easy to correct, IF you know how to do it correctly
  • Pulling on the leash – imagine walking down the road, dog at your side, no tug of war…
  • Come to you on command – no matter the distraction
  • Calm your dog in seconds – don’t underestimate the power of being able to calm your dog down. Priceless!

The Online Dog Trainer is like having a professional dog trainer on call 24/7. This means that you shouldn’t have an issue with daily dog training sessions. Plus, they have a podcast and lots of how to train your dog articles that helps you to stay informed of the latest techniques and share other dog owners’ experiences.

Related Article:

Clicker Training for Young Puppies

Dogs and Babies | How to Introduce a Dog to Your Baby

Related Website:

The Association of Professional Dog TrainersLocate a Dog Trainer

Warwick Jones

You'd be right in thinking that I am passionate about dogs. I am. So much so that my wife thinks that I love dogs more than I love her - which is not true, by the way. I love my wife, and I love my dogs, in that order. So this website is about sharing a little of what I know in the hope that I can help others become better dog owners - a well-trained dog owner equals a well trained, happy, and healthy dog :-)

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