4 Ways to Stop a Dog Eating Food Off The Table

I received an email this morning with the subject line “how to keep dogs from eating off the counter” and a funny story about how his dog had eaten an expensive anniversary cake, that almost ended in divorce.

So if you have ever thought “How do I stop my dog from counter surfing?” or “How do I train my dog to stay away from the dinner table?” then this article is for you.

Knowing how to stop a dog eating food off the table (also known as counter surfing) is quite simple!

There is nothing worse than preparing the most delicious, or perfect sandwich… then returning with a drink and rumbling tummy to realize your dog has helped themselves!

Although you can make more sandwiches, and it may seem funny in hindsight, your dog swiping food is no laughing matter.

Human food can upset your dog’s digestion system, and some can even be toxic for your pup.

For more on toxic food for dogs see our article What Foods Are Toxic To Dogs

It is essential that your dog learns appropriate boundaries when it comes to food, tables, and counters.

How to Stop a Dog Eating Food off the Table

Set Clear Boundaries For Your Dog

With the exclusion of treats during training sessions, your dog should only ever eat dog food from their bowl.

Set your dog up with its own “dinner area,” away from the hustle and bustle of the household.

Make sure to only feed your dog in his/her “meal area”. That means no table scraps or sneaky titbits of table food!

Make your dog earn their food. It isn’t as harsh as it sounds; in fact, studies show that dogs enjoy food more when they receive it as a reward for good behavior. That’s right they have an innate desire to please & work!

At mealtimes ask your dog to “sit” and “wait” for their food. After a few seconds have passed allow them to “eat”. Use clear, consistent commands.

If your dog develops a habit of begging for food scraps when you are at the table you should read this article: How to Stop a Dog From Begging For Food

Deter Your Dog From Jumping

If your cheeky pup has a habit of jumping up on your counter or bench you need to make it clear to them that this behavior is not acceptable.

If you catch your pup in the act respond with a firm “No.” Gently lift your dog down and pop them on the floor. If they repeat the behavior remove them from the kitchen.

Remember: Your dog loves your company, so as your dog learns that “bad” behavior means missing out on precious time with you, they will soon stop.

The best way to stop this behavior ASAP is to monitor your dog in the kitchen at all times. But, if this is not possible & your sneaky pup is hopping up when there when you aren’t around, try this trick!

Pop something up on the bench that will fall and frighten her when knocked. Empty soda cans, milk bottles, or even crinkly foil wrap can make an unpleasant noise to deter your dog from jumping.

It might take a few days or weeks to sink in for your dog. But, pretty soon, s/he will figure out very quickly that when s/he jumps up to snatch a meal, s/he is going to be greeted with a loud, unpleasant sound.

Stop a Dog Eating Food Off The Table

Reasons a Dog Eats Food Off The Table

Some people might think that their dog eats “people” food because it is hungry or bored with their dog food, but they may not know why they are actually doing it. It could be for a variety of reasons!

And while it might be true that some dogs eat “people” food out of boredom or to get attention, others may do this as an act of defiance against their pet owner.

Whatever the reason is for your dog’s behavior, there should be some way to stop him from eating table food.

4 Secrets to Stop a Dog Eating Food Off the Table

If your dog starts counter surfing, you need to be careful that it doesn’t become a habit.

When dogs stop eating their food from the bowl, they may be looking for nutrients that aren’t in their regular diet or because of attention-seeking behaviors.

Luckily there are four ways to stop a dog eating food off the table:

1) Keep the food in the center of the dinner table. This is one of the easiest ways for you to stop your dog from getting to it. The less accessible, the better.

2) Invest in a pet gate. You can place this gate across the doorway or entrance to other areas in your home that are off-limits to pets, like the dining room.

3) Teach your dog boundaries and stop eating their human food by having them wait by their bowl (or other designated waiting area).

4) Give them something else to chew on!

Check out our list of toys for dogs that stop chewing here:

5) Bonus tip: NEVER, give in to your dog begging for food. As soon as they start to beg for food take them to their crate of time-out area.

And that my friends, is how you stop a dog eating food off the table.

Stay Consistent

The dream of turning your dog into the perfect dog is attainable with the right consistency and patience.

How to stop a dog eating food off the table is one of many skills to learn on your dog training journey!

To ensure you and your pup’s success I highly recommend investing in Doggy Dan’s Online Dog Trainer.

Dan offers a 3 Day $1 trial of the site. I strongly suggest you make the most of this incredible, life-changing offer!

Dan will help you learn gentle, positive, and effective training techniques to raise your dog to be the best dog it can be!

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Warwick Jones

You'd be right in thinking that I am passionate about dogs. I am. So much so that my wife thinks that I love dogs more than I love her - which is not true, by the way. I love my wife, and I love my dogs, in that order. So this website is about sharing a little of what I know in the hope that I can help others become better dog owners - a well-trained dog owner equals a well trained, happy, and healthy dog :-)

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